Crowns, Veils, Combs & Fascinators!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Heidi Mitchell Hair in Hair Pieces, Hair Pieces
New hair pieces for this week!!! Find and purchase these at
Etsy or
Which Goose.

At Dawn Whimsical Wire- Which Goose

Bleached Peacock Birdcage Veil

Creamy Dellilah Flower

Canopy Floral Hair Comb- Which Goose

Garden Party Set of Clips- Which Goose
*Heidi Mitchell is a hair stylist that works out of a salon in Colorado Springs called Mateos Salon and Day Spa. Heidi specializes in mens and womens haircuts, color, highlights, and styling. Heidi is a graduate of Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy and has been making people look amazing for the last 7 years.
Article originally appeared on Heidi Mitchell Hair (
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