Entries from February 7, 2010 - February 13, 2010



A lovely California girl, named Tara, came in to see me for a haircut and partial highlight. Tara, loves the beaches of San Diego and warm weather. Right about this time of year I’m ready for summer again so 75 degrees fahrenheit sounds very appealing. I need to go visit my family in San Diego ASAP!!! 

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Sophia & Nora

These adorable sisters came in recently to have there hair cut and styled. Nora, the younger one, was telling me about her, “Date with Daddy” where they went and got bagels and cream cheese together. After I finished her hair she played, “Restaurant” with her mom and friend of mine, Holly. It was precious! Sophia, is a bit taller each time I see her and full of smiles! I was happy to spend time with them. :) 



Marcy is a woman who lights up a room with her smile! You instantly feel like you have known her for years. She is inviting, warm and full of life! I have greatly enjoyed learning about her travels and interests. Marcy has naturally curly hair however I styled it straight with Redken Smooth Down Heat Glide and a round brush. She looks sleek and sophisticated with a A-Line Bob and natural golden highlights.

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